Sunday, August 24, 2014

What the conglomerate media seems to have considered to be fighting words

August 24, 2014

This is the Web address of the blog post at my WordPress, "endtherapeofchildren," to which the conglomerate media seems to have decided to retaliate with publicity for the Ice Bucket Challenge:


August 24, 2014

I think that when Good Morning America was guffawing about advertising for "Bush's Baked Beans" the morning of July 5, 2014, the shrieks of laughter were probably yet more amusement about my pubic hair, illegally videotaped in the showers and bathrooms of homeless shelters and psychiatric units since 2010.

Since the conglomerate media has been publicizing the Ice Bucket Challenge, and the rest of the conglomerate has begun to see that publicity as a chance to bolster the profile of its corrupt, sordid celebrity-politician connection, George W. Bush has taken the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Last year, a WordPress blog that I had for months was destroyed while I was doing and publishing Internet searches about the Bush family's connections to Nazis in the 20th century.  Someone at WordPress seems to have been waiting not only to destroy the blog, but to destroy it as soon as I had published the 136th post at that blog.  At least one more WordPress blog that I created after that was destroyed after I had published the first, few posts at it.  These incidents weren't the first incidents of my blogs being destroyed since 2010.  That's one of the reasons that I write times with my copyright notices and try also to document all editing and additions that I do at every blog post; my blogs are so compromised and their presence so tenuous that documenting all activity that has to do with what's written at them or erased from them seems necessary.

For all of its talk of freedom, the conglomerate couldn't be more oppressive.  It wants people to believe that voyeurism and other sexual assault are an exercise of human rights, rather than perpetration of human rights abuses, as long as those crimes are perpetrated against the conglomerate's chosen victims.  The conglomerate's definition of free speech is that targets and victims of sexual assault have to be quiet about what has happened to them, while the conglomerate's exhortations to rape and the videotaped results of that rape are broadcast around the world, to much guffawing directed at the objects of the rape, and much high-fiving and back-slapping toward and among the rapists.

Copyright L. Kochman, August 24, 2014 @ 10:08 a.m.

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