Friday, August 15, 2014

Paul Ryan

August 15, 2014

Please stop pandering to evil.

I don't know when the last time was that I had an iced Chai latte; I like them a lot, and it's yet another of the many things that I stopped buying because I felt that the business that sold it had finally gone so far astray with its advertising that I couldn't buy that product until that business stopped its outrageous behavior.

The conglomerate is powered by greedy, selfish people who, being entirely unacquainted with the concept of denying themselves anything for the sake of other people, take their most satisfying pleasure in persecuting people who try to be ethical.  Even the things that I am able to do that I like are things that the conglomerate tries to ruin for me.  The conglomerate particularly likes to try to present its viciousness as humanitarian behavior.

I have tried to be responsible with my money.  I don't have a credit card, have never had credit card debt, and am paying my student loans while homeless.  There aren't a lot of things that someone can do when she is homeless to forget her stressful situation, which is bad enough without being persecuted and sexually assaulted with voyeurism.  

Copyright L. Kochman, August 15, 2014 @ 7:37 p.m.

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