Friday, September 26, 2014

This is the symbol of the United Nations's "HeForShe Campaign"?

September 27, 2014

This is a screenshot of the first page of the website for "HeForShe":

The UN's symbol for gender equality is a pink arrow pointing to the letter "L"?

A year ago, I began to read about and discuss the United Nations's track record of ignoring, encouraging, and participating in sexual abuse, including sex trafficking, around the world.  The United Nations has now started a campaign specifically targeting me for eternal, global sexual abuse, and has called that campaign of sickening female oppression a movement for gender equality.

This is a screenshot of the first page, past the language option page, of the website for the United Nations:

Is there doubt about what the United Nations's motivations are?

The United Nations needs to stop promoting and participating in human rights abuses, and it needs to stop making celebrities into Goodwill Ambassadors.

Ever heard of the U.N. "oil-for-food" scandal?  I hadn't, before I did an Internet search of the term "United Nations scandal."  This is the Web address of an article about it:

This is a quote from that article, which is from 2008:

"This December all confidential papers will be locked away for 50 years—unless Ban Ki-moon, Mr Annan's successor, extends the deadline."

I think that most, if not all, of the people who cough at me or who otherwise sexually harass and bully me in person every day, probably haven't heard of the U.N. oil-for-food scandal, or about the rape of children by U.N. Peacekeepers; they have heard of me, though, and what they have heard is that I deserve to be sexually abused.  I think the United Nations would like to make sure that's what the world hears about me and about anyone else who ever even thinks of saying "No" to rich, powerful people.

While looking at search results from search terms such as "United Nations scandal," I saw an article which accused the United Nations of funding North Korea's nuclear weapons development program.  I thought the article, which seemed to conclude with a statement that human beings can't govern themselves and almost seemed to be slanting toward the idea of religious dictatorship, was not necessarily reliable.

However, I did a few searches about North Korea, the United Nations and funding.  I did not, and, at this late hour, am not going to do a lot of searching for information about U.N. funds to North Korea.  

A lot seems to have happened in 2005, U.N.-scandal-wise.  After I read the first of the next articles for which I'm adding the Web addresses to this page, I did a few searches that included that year along with words like "UN," "North Korea" and "funding."

My question is "Does the United Nations fund dictatorships?"

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, September 27, 2014 @ 2:30 a.m./ edited @ 2:45 a.m.

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