Sunday, August 24, 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio: You're going to star in a movie about a fur trapper?

August 24, 2014

A heroic fur trapper; that's what you're going to try to pretend to be?

Have you read about the suffering of animals that get trapped for their fur?  That was horrible suffering in the traps of the time period that you're inhabiting for your movie.  It's still horrible suffering, in traps of the 21st century.  You have never read or seen a publication by activists who are against the harvesting of fur?

The movie is also about my pubic hair, isn't it, the word "fur" being a euphemism for pubic hair which those who use the euphemism don't realize is even more offensive than the words "pubic hair" would be.  Since 2011, my public hair has been filmed with hidden and illegal cameras in the showers and bathrooms of homeless shelters and psychiatric units, places which have the professional obligation not to abuse the vulnerable groups which they are supposed to be helping.  That has happened to me because you and your conglomerate friends, whom I have never met, told the world that I am a dirty slut who deserves whatever happens to me.

Don't answer these questions; think about them.

How many people have you slept with since 2010?

How many people had you slept with before then?

How many hours of pornography, legal and illegal, voluntary and involuntary, have you watched in your life?

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

How many times have you masturbated in your life?  In the past 4 years?  This week?

How many times have you had a sexual experience outside?

Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?  If so, how many incidents of multiple-person sex have you participated in?

How many times have you considered the significant other of someone to whom you are attracted to be more than an obstacle to you getting what you want?

Truthfully, how would you feel if you could not stop people from videotaping you in bathrooms and showers, even in your home?  How would you feel if your protests of being videotaped were met with loud laughter and the promotion of putting the videos all over the Internet?

How many people stalked you this week?  This month?  This year?  What happens to people who try to stalk you?  When was the last time that you had to deal with a stalker yourself, one stalker?

When you're upset, how do you deal with it?  Is there a material palliative that you don't have the money to buy?

I'm sure that you know, because you have my bank account hacked, how much money I have.  How much money do you have?        


These are my answers, from my life, to those questions:



-I have never deliberately watched illegal pornography.  I'm sure that some of the pornography that I have seen while looking through porn websites for the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me was illegally obtained.  For example, videos advertised in the category of "Masturbation" not infrequently were clearly filmed of unsuspecting victims through holes in ceilings, walls and doors.  That is true even of porn websites that aren't advertised as being websites for voyeuristic porn.  Looking for the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me has meant that I have spent more time looking at porn, since I found out that the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me had happened, then I had ever spent looking at porn before in my life.  The total time that I have ever spent looking at pornography, even with the searching that I have done for the evidence of the voyeuristic crimes committed against me, is countable in hours, not days or weeks.  I have never consented to so much as a topless photo being taken of me, not for public or private uses, not in my entire life.  Nothing like what the conglomerate has done to me has ever happened to me before, nor could I have ever thought that it would, before it did.


-Probably a few thousand.  Much less, especially since I realized that I could not expect privacy anywhere.  None.

-In 2010, a voyeur videotaped one of the few, outdoor, sexual
experiences that I have had in my life.  That voyeurism happened because of the conglomerate's persecution of me.


-I have never considered the significant other of someone to whom
I was attracted to be just an obstacle to my getting what I wanted.

-I never stop talking about how the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me make me feel.

-More people than I could count have stalked me this week, last week, the week before, and every day of every week since I moved to Boston in 2011.  Most people who stalk me in person have no consequences imposed on them; therefore, they think it's a joke and that my outrage about it is hilarious.  Many of them even smile and wave at me when they see that I'm filming their stalking of me.  They probably tell all of their friends "I got published at her blog!"  The conglomerate treats me as if I were a criminal while encouraging the crimes that are perpetrated against me every day.

-When I'm upset, there aren't a lot of things that I can buy to make me feel better, not even for a few hours.

-I have less than $1 in the bank.  I have no cash.


Have you ever heard the phrase "might makes right?"  Do you consider that phrase an all-purpose, humanitarian motto?  If so, why?

After having considered all of these questions, do you think that you have the right to call me a dirty slut?  Do you think that you have the right to continue to tell the world to abuse me?  Do you think that you are believable in yet another role in which you are portrayed as a courageous man, tragically misunderstood and therefore cruelly mistreated by the woman he loves?

How would you feel about someone who loved you the way that you have loved me?

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