Friday, January 31, 2014

Kate Winslet: I didn't ask you to do a movie wearing a green, v-necked dress.

January 31, 2014

People shouldn't be treated the way that I'm treated.

I don't know if you're warring with Leonardo DiCaprio; I hope not.  He won't improve if those of his friends who are arguably more mature, at least about some things, than he is stop speaking to him entirely.

I'm not telling you what to do; I'm telling you what I would like you to do.

I'm sure he's horrible to be around when he's feeling abusive, and I would bet that's painful, to be treated badly because you're female, after years of being friends.

When you don't feel like talking to him, don't.  I wouldn't let him around your children at this time, either.

Why don't you try staying friends with him when you're able to be friends with him, and tell him what your thoughts are about women, women's rights, and other things?  He might have questions, don't you think?  He might not; if he does think of one, though, it would help if he knew he could ask you about it.  "What's important to women?"  "Do you think I'm doing something wrong?"  "What are relationships like from your perspective?"  "What did it seem to you that men were like when we were younger?"  Those are a few questions; there are tons, though.

I doubt he'll be trying to create friendships with other women his age; even if he did, it would take years for him to develop the sort of friendship he had with you.

Dialogue is better than war.

I don't want him to be part of my life, ever.  I'm not feeling particularly friendly about you, either.  However, he's done the things that he's done because he's ignorant, and because other people who know better or who were supposed to know better have behaved horribly and taken the rest of the world with them to disaster.

It doesn't help people to improve their lives, it doesn't prevent them from getting worse, when their friends leave before they have to.

If you feel that you can't be friends with him, then that's how you feel.  I hope that I'm not a vindictive enough person to wish serious, personal pain on an enemy when that pain might be avoidable.

Copyright L. Kochman, January 31, 2014 @ 8:18 p.m.

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