Sunday, November 9, 2014

I'm sorry, what's the logic?

November 9, 2014

How is it that I'm a slut and a homewrecker who deserves everything that happens to me?

Nobody ever thought of calling Adam Sandler anything but "Sir," after he got to be a multi-millionaire, isn't that true?

He got nothing except for money from his movie "You Don't Mess With The Zohan," isn't that true?  Nobody ever said anything like "You're hitting on Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend," or "You're hitting on Nick Cannon's wife," isn't that true?

It seems to me that Hollywood's guiding principle is "Women don't say no to the men whom we consider important; if they dare to think of saying no, we'll ruin their lives."

Another guiding principle of Hollywood seems to be "Men can do whatever they want, including causing the death of women who dare to think that women have rights."

Perhaps their most cherished guiding principles are "Poor people are losers," and "If it makes money, it can't be bad."

Copyright, with excruciatingly obvious exceptions, L. Kochman, November 9, 2014 @ 1:39 p.m.

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