It seems that the sanctions on Russia are working.
I'm concerned, though, about what's happening in Crimea. People are fleeing the place, and it seems that many are afraid. The entire tenor of life has changed; it's all time rolling backwards, and oppression, beatings, deaths and disappearances.
What could be done for Crimea concurrently with the measures being taken against Russia?
I am no foreign policy expert. I have a question. Could there be places and organizations for what are essentially Crimean refugees, created to give them contacts and help outside Crimea and Russian control? Would organized support where people who have left Crimea can gather, talk, network for housing, employment and child care, and consider their eventual return, help?
It's a shock to have to leave home suddenly, and that shock can be disorienting.
Copyright L. Kochman, December 18, 2014 @ 3:48 p.m.
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