Monday, February 23, 2015

Balancing perception

February 23, 2015

Much of the writing that I have done over the past few days has left me feeling bad and angry; unfortunately, most of it was writing that I felt I had to do.  I think that some of what I was doing is what is meant when people talk about having the stomach for politics or not.  I don't have that stomach for doing immoral things that seriously harm people so that I can get something that I want or so that people allied with me can get something that they want, and I hope that I never do.

My situation is such that the personal and the political frequently intersect.  Although the conglomerate professes not to respect me most of the time, it frequently uses what it considers to be lapses of my behavior to try to justify doing bad things that it might otherwise have hesitated to do.  Sometimes, it almost seems as if the conglomerate considers me to be to its standard-setter, albeit in a distorted and grudging way.  

When it's casting around for excuses for its behavior, the conglomerate likes to try to portray me as being a bad person who has never gotten the punishment that I deserve for all the bad things that I have supposedly done.  The conglomerate doesn't seem to spend time trying to figure out if the people who promote its agenda and who have a lot more money and potential votes (fans) than I do to bring to a political party's or individual's campaign have ever done anything that's as bad or worse than anything that I have ever done.  I don't like searching people's pasts, looking for incidents that I can use to show the contrast between the standard of behavior that the conglomerate applies to me and the standard that it applies to people who don't criticize it and from whom it can materially gain.  At times, I do it to protect myself when the conglomerate's behavior is spinning out of control into a type of punitive hysteria toward me.  

I wasn't trying to insult anyone from or formerly from Victoria's Secret over the past few days, I wasn't trying to say anything undeserved about Leonardo DiCaprio, and I wasn't trying to be unnecessarily hurtful about anyone.  I was trying to help the situation balance. 

Copyright L. Kochman, February 24, 2015 @ 12:32 a.m.

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