Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Boston Globe

February 22, 2015

Thank you for your efforts.  I hope you read the previous page.

Since the conglomerate formed and began persecuting me in 2010, I have never wanted to be rescued from my situation.  What I do want is for the situation to end, for the abuses of me to stop, and for the obstacles that the conglomerate's vicious treatment of me creates to stop being created.

In addition to the direct abuses that the conglomerate has inflicted on me, the conglomerate has succeeded in creating a lot of bad feeling toward me from the public, from total strangers who don't know anything about me except for the rumors that the conglomerate has propagated about me around the world.  I have not lived through anything like a normal day since the conglomerate began its persecution of me 5 years ago. I am surrounded at all times by malice, or by the possibility that malice will occur.  I have been forced out of housing where I paid my rent not only on time but in advance, kept my apartment clean, and never started trouble with anyone.  A year after being evicted, I am unable to get an apartment because of that eviction.  I will have to move into a single room occupancy for at least a year, to keep my housing voucher and to have a place to live.  This past summer, I was twice forced out of work that I liked and was good at, after having endured sexual harassment and stalking literally every day that I worked.  I have been prevented from forming any sort of normal social life, and then attacked and ridiculed for turning, in my isolation and torment, to the last group of people in the world from whom I could rationally hope for something other than abuse.

For 5 years, I have documented my situation, including the anger, depression and hopelessness that it causes me.  Rather than the abuses being ended, they have been increased by Internet blogs created by people calling me paranoid, schizophrenic, attention-seeking, a crazy, lying feminist, a b----, a c---, and deserving of being raped, beaten and killed.  In addition to inciting violence, those blogs, which appear on the first page of search results when an Internet search is done of my name, and which continue for several pages of results, probably have scared away landlords who might otherwise have considered me even with the eviction, and will also scare away employers and anyone who might consider befriending me before seeing the online mob of abusers.  Several of those online abusers have taken issue with my financial dependence on welfare, which is ironic, since my being abused is the reason that I can't keep work.

It's not my feeling that the conglomerate's agenda is doing much for women's rights except destroying them.

Copyright L. Kochman, February 22, 2015 @ 10:07 a.m.

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