Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Considered safe and effective"

September 28, 2014

This is certainly not the only example of a drug being touted as safe and effective that turned out to have disastrous consequences.

Are you really going to wait until the reproductive systems of thousands of girls are screwed up before you stop making Plan B available without a prescription?

Historically, females are perpetual victims of bad science, weak regulations and false advertising BECAUSE FEMALE LIVES ARE NOT VALUED AS MUCH AS MALE LIVES ARE.  Women's bodies are considered disposable, and women who object to being treated as if they are disposable are considered troublemakers who are getting in the way of progress.

This is the Web address of the presentation from which I took the picture:

This is another picture of part of that presentation:

Thalidomide was also prescribed by doctors, to pregnant women suffering from nausea.  These are pictures from the Web of how "safe" Thalidomide was:

Thankfully, there was no judge in the United States to outrageously issue orders to the federal government to shout down the concerns of uncorrupted people at the Food and Drug Administration in the 1950's, and thousands of tragedies didn't happen because of it.

Thalidomide births continue to happen, and they probably will continue to happen for as long as the drug is manufactured.

Every year, the FDA has to recall drugs that it formerly approved.  It does this after thousands of people get hurt and even die.  This happens BECAUSE THE FDA IS CORRUPT AND BECAUSE THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IS ONE OF THE RICHEST AND MOST POWERFUL LOBBYISTS IN THE UNITED STATES.

The pharmaceutical industry doesn't just bribe Congress.  It bribes the entire medical industry, including through its funding of research.  If you know that the way to get more funding is to make the answers to the questions that your study is supposed to be investigating be the answers that the business that is funding your study wants to hear, and you also know that the way not to be considered for other research funding and other work is to tell the truth, you might decide that a few sleepless nights every so often because of what you're doing to the people who will take the drugs you say are safe is preferable living at the Pine Street Inn.

I think there are probably also a lot of people who have no conscience at all about getting rich from the lies that they help the pharmaceutical industry perpetuate; there is probably a higher percentage of those people working for that industry all the time.  If you create an environment in which only cockroaches can thrive happily, you'll attract a lot of cockroaches, and everyone else will move out, or be forced out.

Younger people reading my blogs have probably never heard of the Nestle baby formula scandal:

That is a screenshot of part of the first page of Yahoo search results for the search term "Nestle formula scandal."

A man is coughing in the hallway outside my room.  The harassment of me by other clients has gotten worse over the weekend, as clients that got to know me have left and new ones have been admitted, and male clients who started harassing me when I got here have continued to harass me.  That is what it's like for me almost everywhere; the horrible reputation that the conglomerate has fixated on making sure that I have precedes me every day and all the time.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, September 28, 2014 @ 11:23 a.m.

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