Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Rich and Famous resume

September 23, 2014

The pictures are screenshots from the article that's at the Web address that I added to this page.

There are a lot of people who care about the environment, who have worked to protect it and advance its cause for years, who aren't rich, never were rich, and know they'll never get rich from the work they do.  


-waking up at 6:00 a.m., Monday through Friday

-being at the office at 8:00 or 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday

-having a desk in a cubicle, or in a room full of other people who have desks because it's not a place that can afford cubicles, or even desks for everyone

-dealing with the phone calls, the paperwork, the tedium of the real work that has to be done to try to make anything happen.  That's the sort of work that people who have bought the notion that there are people who are too special to do the work that most people have to do think they "can't do," think they "could never do."  You'll often see that sort of quote in magazine interviews of actors who have made enough money to be considered worth interviewing:  "I'd be hopeless at a real job."  The person writing the article usually prefaces or follows the quote with phrases such as "disarming smile," "rueful laugh," and "ruffles hair."  Such quotes are never prefaced or followed by anything that even suggests the solid truth that the person being interviewed would figure out how to be employed at a real job if he or she had to be. There is no magazine interview in the history of the entertainment industry and its related industries that ensconces the "I'd be hopeless at a real job" quote in phrases such as "the interviewer observed acerbically" or "I managed not to puke. It's incredible how much self-control the greed for a lucrative writing career will give you in a pinch."

There are a lot of people who work for the environment who have not also had other people making everything easy for them their entire lives; erasing their indiscretions by harming the witnesses of those indiscretions or threatening those witnesses to silence, ignoring and even praising crimes perpetrated by these pampered degenerates, making sure that they never hear the word "no," and that anyone who dares to say that word then has his or her life options shrunk to death or a life worse than death.

There are also a lot of people who work for the environment who have NEVER promoted human rights abuses.

-having nothing at all in your workday, every day, that revolves around you or even much considers you

-being grateful that you are in a job in which you are not abused.  Many, if not most, working people don't have this.

-being grateful that you make enough money to pay your rent and the rest of your bills without working two or three jobs.  Many working people do not have this.

-leaving the office at 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. or later, Monday through Friday

-not being thanked most of the time

That is all the sort of work with which Leonardo DiCaprio is totally unfamiliar.

Copyright, L. Kochman, September 23, 2014 @ 7:43 a.m./edited @ 7:53 a.m.

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